
A collection of 13 posts

Software Engineers Rush to Write Bad Code

Software Engineers Rush to Write Bad Code

There is a better way.

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Contentful Migrations

Contentful Migrations

Migrations allow us to describe how to adjust the data model of an existing database. They make a scripted, surgical change to a database rather than replacing it entirely and blowing away any content changes.

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Introducing Web Blueprint - Our Practices for Web Development

Introducing Web Blueprint - Our Practices for Web Development

This week we released a Github project called web-blueprint that documents our practices and opinions on web development. If you're a prospective client or hire, our hope is that you'll learn a little bit more about what web engineering at Rocket is all about.

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Deployments at Scale with AWS ECR and ECS

Deployments at Scale with AWS ECR and ECS

With DevOps at DEPT, one of our primary goals is to make the life of the developer easier. A specialty of ours is assisting in our customer's deployment process.

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File Uploads Directly to S3 From the Browser

File Uploads Directly to S3 From the Browser

Uploading files to S3 directly from the browser is a great way to increase performance by removing the need to process and then re-upload files from your own server.

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On Design Systems: Scope and Governance

On Design Systems: Scope and Governance

The challenges discussed in this entry are specifically relevant to individuals that have roles in design leadership, product ownership, and user interface design.

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